How to set up a Job Club: Vocational School Lesson Plans

What is the purpose of education? To prepare students for real life jobs, careers and situations. Here are real life lesson plans for students using a Job Club format. Teach economics, technology, marketing, business English, freshman success, STAR, adult education, alternative education, communications and real life skills. 

Job Club Foundation: Prepare students for real life circumstances and choices by working within the world of work. Align content to students' career paths and current job situations. Teach working collaboratively on real life skills, not just busy work. 

Assess career aptitude and interest. Choose measures which reflect current trends, are positive and enjoyable. Informal discussion can produce some useful information. Validate and realistically support student choices. Guide student research into job market and practical career outlook. 

Develop student focus groups. Divide into four basic areas: science/ engineering (electronics, building trades, HVAC, technology, forestry, and trades) helping/ human services (counseling, medical, teaching, child care, culinary arts,etc.), arts and entertainment (media, musicians, sports, design, art, theater). Where you assign students will depend upon the slant they choose to explore, where they may currently work, how far they plan to go into the trade, etc. Match groups based upon common skill Change groups occasionally if after research, students choose different careers or the focus of the career path changes.

Job Club Framework: If job club is part of a larger curriculum (marketing, economics, etc.) meet once a week; Mondays or Fridays are best. 

Job Club Materials:  
  several computers with Internet access for research.
  smartphones to set up interviews, job shadowing, appointments, etc.
  phone books, local maps, and current occupational reference handbooks
  focus group bulletin board for job postings, career seminars and information, opportunities

Job Club Meeting Format of the job club: Focus groups gather to share and then present to large group. 
Each person gets a limited time to share. Discussion should focus on two areas: real life experiences and research. Real life discussion might include: experiences, difficulties, opportunities experienced in workplace, tips to help each other, job openings, new legislation. Research discussion should include training school reviews, internships, career fairs, skill set development, useful websites, trade journals, new frontiers, emerging specialties, job openings, scholarships, college opportunities, course offerings, apprenticeships, test prep, local and state businesses within the field, community resources, job search site evaluations. 
Job Club Syllabus and Homework. Students should generate a resume, complete at least three job interviews (for a full year class); one could be simulated, complete and maintain an online job profile, apply for 5 jobs, programs or colleges using different methods (fax, email, in person, ZOOM or virtual, online application, phone), bring in one piece of information per week, practice active listening, provide useful reflective feedback, take notes and disseminate information via meeting minutes, monthly newsletter, emails or a webpage, problem-solve within their groups, be accountable supportive to group members.

This framework should provide a good start toward career preparation within the classroom.

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